Setup Twitch/YouTube Notifications

How to get Twitch live notifications on Discord

1. Add Sx Live to your server if you haven't already.

2. Connect your Twitch or YouTube account to your Discord account if you haven't already.

If you would rather add your twitch channel without connecting your account with Discord, you can add our multipurpose bot Sx Bot and use the command /twitch streamers add

3. Make sure that Streamer Mode is enabled in your user settings.

4. Create a channel for stream announcements if you haven't already.

5. Configure the bot to send stream notifications to that channel. Example:+tchannel set #stream-notifications Example:+ytchannel set #stream-notifications

6. Add individual users in your server for whom the notifications will be sent for. Example:+tstreamers add @user#3214 Example:+ytstreamers add @user#4141

7.[optional] Set a required whitelist role in order to receive notifications. Example:+twhitelist add @Streamer Example:+ytwhitelist add @everyone

8.[optional] Set a cooldown for the notifications Example: +tcooldown set 30m Example: +ytcooldown set 30m

Cooldowns can anywhere from 5m to 8 hours.

9.[optional] If you don't want to mention @everyone and only a specific role when streamers go live. Example: +tpingrole set @stream alerts

10.[optional] Customize your own message for the stream alerts Example: +tmessage set {HERE} {STREAMER} is going live playing {GAME}!

These variables can be used in the message: {STREAMER} = Twitch Username {USER} = Discord Username {USER.TAG} = Discord Tag {GAME} = Game Name {URL} = Twitch URL {EVERYONE} = Mention @everyone {HERE} = Mention @here

All done! The notifications are setup.

For the stream notifications to work, you need to see a purple streaming icon next to member names who are streaming. This shows that Discord recognizes you are live, and the alerts will be sent. If you don't see this, try disconnecting/connecting your twitch/youtube account in user settings and make sure streamer mode is enabled and you are using OBS. If you still don't see the purple icon, you can try to add our multipurpose bot Sx Bot instead and add your channel directly without connecting.

If you still need assistance, please join our Discord server.

Last updated