Setup Live Role
How to setup automated live roles in your Discord server
1. Add Sx Live to your server if you haven't already.
2. Connect your Twitch or YouTube account to your Discord account if you haven't already.
3. Make sure that Streamer Mode is enabled in your user settings.
4. Create a live role if you haven't already.
5. Configure the bot to the live role you created.
Example:+tliverole set "Now Live" or "Streaming on Twitch"
Example:+ytliverole set "Live Now" or "Streaming on YouTube"
Make sure the Sx Live role is above the live you created and the bot has Manage Roles permissions.
6.[optional] Filter users who receive the live role by enabling only streamers.
Example:+tonlystreamers enable
Example:+ytonlystreamers enable
By default, everyone in the server will receive the live role. If you want only certain users to receive the live role, you can filter it by enabling only streamers mode. If only streamers is enabled, you will be required to add individual users using the +tstreamers add or +ytstreamers add command, or set a whitelisted role with +twhitelist add or +ytwhitelist add
8.[optional] Add individual users in your server who will receive the live role is only streamers mode is enabled.
Example:+tstreamers add @user#3214
Example:+ytstreamers add @user#4141
All done! The live roles are setup!
For the live role to work correctly, you need to see a purple streaming icon next to the user names who are streaming.
We also have created a walkthrough video on how to setup the live roles. If you only need the live role, you don't need to complete the last 2 steps of setting the channel and streamer.
If you still need assistance, please join our Discord server.
Last updated