Setup Kick Alerts
How to setup Kick Alerts in your Discord server
1. Invite Sx Live if you haven't already.
2. Add the kick streamer. (username or channel url)
Example:+kickstreamers add xqc
3. Set the notifications channel
Example:+kickchannel set #your-alerts-channel
5.[optional] Send the notification without mentioning @everyone
Example: +kicknoping enable
7.[optional] Customize the message that is sent when a streamer goes live
Example: +kickmessage set {HERE} {STREAMER} is now live!
These variables can be used in the message: {STREAMER} = Kick Streamer Username {GAME} = Game/Category Name {URL} = Kick Stream URL {EVERYONE} = Mention @everyone {HERE} = Mention @here
7.[optional] To ping a specific role for notifications
Example: +kickmessage set @stream notifications {STREAMER} is now live!
8.[optional] Filter notifications by title name. (Requires filter word to be in stream title)
Example: +kicktitlefilter set No Pixel
This is particularly useful for GTA RP servers, similar to hasroot, where only streamers who have the keyword in their title will have the notifications sent.
8.[optional] Set a cooldown for the notifications
Example: +kickcooldown set 2h
All done! Notifications will be sent within a few seconds of going live!
Last updated