
Welcome to Sx Live's documentation. This site will guide you on the process of setting up Sx Live in your server.

Basic bot setup

This page will cover everything you need to do to get started with Sx Live.

What is Sx Live?Getting Started

Kick Notifications/Alerts

Setup Kick Alerts

Twitch/YouTube Notifications

Setup Twitch/YouTube Notifications

Twitch/YouTube Live Role

Setup Live Role

Spotify Roles

Setup Spotify Role

Getting help, reporting issues, and making suggestions

If you're still unsure on how to setup a specific feature, or if you run into any issues, feel free to reach us on our Discord server.

Supporting the bot

Sx Live is free at it's core, but for $3.00 / month, you can unlock extra premium benefits. All of the money we earn will go directly to paying the servers and improving the bot.

You can check out or premium perks on our Patreon.

Last updated